Saturday, April 26, 2008

An unknown obsession... ok, well my husband knows about it.

I admit it. I love any and all things Harry Potter. In fact right now I'm brainstorming my Tonks costume for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Yes, I realize that it doesn't come out until November. I'm seriously considering doing one of those paper chain countdowns in the House colors. I'm THAT excited.

I listen to PotterCast, and SnapeCast and everyonce in a while MuggleCast. I read fanfics. I love finding HP artwork and actually think about purchasing some. (Insert blush). But where oh where do you hang a paiting of the Trio? (For you Muggles that would be Harry, Ron and Hermoine). And how to not get teased unmercifully about it from your IRL (in real life) friends?

My MIL and I frequently have HP Movie Marathons. Complete with a HP feast... Unicorn Hair, Gryffin Bites, Butterbeer. So yummy! Ok, so I'm a nerd.

The newest HP obsession is books on CD. I now can crochet my HP inspired fingerless gloves while listening to Jim Dale's lovely english accent. Oh, how I'm a sucker for accents! Must be why I love the magical ENGLISH world of Harry Potter.

Oh, and for fun I dug up this photo from when a few friends and I stood in line for Half Blood Prince (in a SMITHS!!!) ... my friend Lara as Bellatrix Lestrange...


Rebecca said...

I knew you loved Harry Potter but are obsessed. I enjoy it all but I am never one to truly be obsessed about anything. But there is something to be said about being passionate about definitely are a more interesting person than me. Have fun getting ready for the "big day."

Misty said...

Lara's so hot. lol. That night was fun. And HP rocks, it's okay to be obsessed. :)

Onica said...

I know, that night was definately one of the most fun for me in the last couple of years!

Amanda said...

Is it bad that I've only read the first Harry Potter book?! I liked it, but I just never got around to the other ones.
Sounds like you have a fun time with the whole HP thing, and having fun is always a good thing :)