So, I've been in my department for all of two weeks. And because I want to move into management I am under more scrutiny than most. OMG, I cannot believe how catty it gets there.
Things Onica needs to work on at work.
- Not being so sarcastic w/ co-workers.
- Quit being so bossy w/ said co-workers.
- Be more pro-active.
- Take ownership of the department.
Ok, so yes, I am sarcastic w/ a few co-workers. Just the ones that are absolutely horrid and total sharks. (A shark is someone who only sells and won't do anything else, a shark also will try to help as many people as they can and leave nothing for everyone else).
There are some serious slackers in my department. Some of them have been there for less time than I have. I know that this "review" is because of them. They are total suck ups to the boss.
So, I will take the advice given. I will also take the advice given by another co-worker....
Very X-files if you ask me.
Augh Onica, I'm sure your co-workers will get what is coming to them! Show your boss you can out due them! Your a hard worker and I'm sure it shows!
Who, You sarcastic...nah... I have worked in sales and I think sharks stink. The sharks I worked with though got called much worse names than sharks.
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