Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Where's the M?

So this is my 3rd stab at blogging. I'm not kidding you. Maybe this time I will be better. I stopped blogging because my free trial was over. Let's face it folks, I'm freaking poor. No way in heck am I paying for something that I can get free.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Onica. Sounds like Monica but without the M. I'm a married for four years, working mom to a 3 year old, devout Mormon who secretly wishes she was famous. I scrapbook, crochet and spend too much money on clothing and the aforementioned hobbies. My starving artist husband and I live in the vicinity of Los Angeles. Oh, and for what it's worth we met in a chat room. There, I said it.

So, that pretty much sums up who I am right now. Oh, and I'm a list maker. People who have read previous vestiges of my blog know this.

Here is my list for today:

Onica's New Years Goals (a few days late, but whatever)

  1. Lose the last 15 pounds from when I was pregnant... THREE YEARS AGO.
  2. Sell as many Gucci sunglasses and Hermes scarves as I can (I work at Nordstroms)
  3. Become a manager.... buy myself my very first "Handbag" (I'm going for a Chanel one!)
  4. Never, ever be late paying my bills again. (This is a hard one folks, I can't ever remember to do anything lately)
  5. Read the Book of Mormon again.
  6. Get pregnant and have a healthy baby.
  7. Quit eating so much freaking ice cream.
  8. Spend more time w/ my son when I get home from work.
  9. Go on dates w/ my dh. Real ones. Taking the kid along does not count.
  10. Scrapbook more, be lazy less. Seriously I have a fortune in scrap supplies. Can I please use them?


Onica said...

Thanks for the inspiration.

smart mama said...

free is the way to go-- more $$ for the freaking ice cream--

i can join you in that resolution- only less freaking IC means more cake, cookies, truffles etc... At least its calcium right

smart mama said...

free is the way to go-- more $$ for the freaking ice cream--

i can join you in that resolution- only less freaking IC means more cake, cookies, truffles etc... At least its calcium right

Megan R said...

Great to see you back again Onica. I missed your posts!!!

Congrats on the move at nordstroms. Next time I'm over I will buy something from you :o)

I really need to do my resolutions! I will do them soon..promise :o)